Both the Recreational and the Competitive summer seasons begin in May.
Recreational Registration opens each February online.
Recreational Game Schedules will be posted on the Recreational page of this website and uploaded to the Power Up app.
Nights of Play by Age Group can be found on the Home and the Registration page.
When is my child old enough to play recreational soccer?
A player must be born on or before December 31, 2021 to play in the summer of 2025. For indoor recreational programs, the youngest birth year is 2018.
Must I be a resident of Uxbridge or Port Perry to register?
No, you may register online using your current address.
Are there any requirements for those new to the Soccer Club?
Yes. You will need to submit /show proof of age to the Club in the form of a government-issued identification. Acceptable documents include birth certificate, passport, or health card. Proof of age can be provided to the Club Registrar . Viewing of a proof of age document by the Club Registrar is requested. The Club administrators will contact parents prior to the summer season.
I’ve heard that parents have to do a Respect in Sport Online course. Is that true?
Yes. As part of all soccer registrations, one parent/ guardian of each player must complete the Respect in Sport for Parents online education program as mandated by the Durham Region Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer. This is completed once and can be imported from another sport in certain circumstances.
If the certification has been obtained, the parent is asked to provide the certificate number when registering a player. Visit our Respect in Sport web page for more information.
Now that I have registered, when will I hear about the summer recreational season?
Using the information you provided in your registration, the Club typically will contact you prior to the Victoria Day holiday weekend in May with team information for the summer outdoor season. If you have not heard from a club representative, you can email the Club office or simply plan to arrive at the fields for your first scheduled night and we'll help you find your team!
Links to the Schedules are posted on our web site home page.
How can I help?
We are always looking for many, many Volunteers! Recreational soccer relies on community volunteers to assist and provide extra adult supervision.
The Club prefers to place a volunteer Convenor with each age group to help disseminate information to the division, coordinate the teams and assist member families.
Each team requires an adult Team Leader ("parent coach") to help organize and supervise the team movements during practices and games. The number of coaches required fluctuates based on player registrations year to year. All U4-U12 coaches are supported by the Club’s Program Facilitators, who are staff coaches with the role of leading practice sessions, formatting the weekly practice drills, and assisting volunteer team leaders in supervising and guiding the players during the practice sessions. Volunteer coaches are not required to create practice drills or run practices independently. Enthusiasm, patience, and a desire to teach children new skills is all that is required to be a parent volunteer at the field!
In order to activate your insurance coverage and comply with requirements for working with minors, all Volunteers are required to formally register online with the Soccer Club (complete waiver forms) and submit to volunteer screening protocols. Please refer to our Volunteer Page for information on Volunteer Registration and Screening protocols.
There are many other roles with which we need help. Contact us and we’ll find a good fit for you.
How is my child placed on a team?
Players are placed on teams based on age, gender, and skill rating from the previous season (when available). Teams will be created based on the number of players registered and the permitted roster sizes per age group. Team formation takes place throughout May, as we near the season start date.
We are NOT ABLE to accommodate requests (i.e. friend, carpooling, coach) due to the high number of participants and the need to create teams balanced on gender and skill level.
What if my child wants to play in a different age group?
Players are always encouraged to play within their age group. The Club follows the Ontario Soccer Long Term Player Development guidelines to determine age group divisions. A request for an assessment can be made to the Club by a parent or coach, after the start of the season. There is multi-week pre-season before the June Opening Festival to allow for team and player assessments prior to Photo Day and the Opening Festival. Refer to the playing up policy for more details.
When does the outdoor season start?
All Recreational divisions traditionally begin the week following the Victoria Day long weekend in May.
This is the start of a multi-week pre-season during which time teams are adjusted, if necessary, to create a balance of skills and ages across each division.
Traditionally, the second Saturday in June is the official Opening Day & Festival for Recreational leagues. This is when individual and team photos are taken. Each player receives a photo as part of their registration fee.
When and where does my child play?
All games are played on the same day of each week in the same age group-specific fields. Weekly game schedules are posted on the club website on the 'Recreational' page.
U4-U5-U6 Timbits divisions have a group session once a week.
All Youth Recreational age groups from U4- U12 will have the same format. Each session will commence with a 15 minute ball mastery session designed to offer all players multiple contacts with the ball and get them moving and warmed up for their game. Upon completion of the ball mastery, players will hydrate and then move into their scheduled game.
The U13-15 age group format will be a scheduled game per week, culminating in Playoffs and Finals in mid August.
All Uxbridge Recreational divisions U4-U10 (except GU10) are played at The Fields of Uxbridge Park, Ball Rd. entrance, in Uxbridge.
For those registered in our Scugog Recreational divisions U4-U10 (except GU10), programs are at the Scugog Soccer Fields on Old Simcoe Rd. in Port Perry. (see Facilities page for Maps & Directions)
The GU10, U12 and U15 divisions are classified as "dual centre" and alternate between The Fields of Uxbridge park and the Scugog Soccer Fields.
Teams follow a "league" Schedule which indicates the game locations week over week. Please read the schedule on a weekly basis to confirm game times and locations
Where do we Park?
The Soccer Entrance to The Fields of Uxbridge park is off of Ball Road and leads to the main grass parking lot at the east side of the park. Ball Road intersects Main St. N. on the north side of the soccer park. Traffic through the Ball Road entry gate is two-way and is to be used for entering the field areas only. All vehicles will exit via the Ball Road gate. Please be observant of all Township of Uxbridge and emergency vehicle parking regulations, bylaws, and posted signs. The main driveway through the park is an Emergency Access Route and no parking is permitted along the sides of the driveway. A paid parking lot is only free to those with a resident permit. By-law tickets may be issued for illegal parking at the Township's discretion. Take care when driving through the field area, use reduced speed, and only use the designated parking areas for vehicle parking. Please take care when crossing any parking areas on foot. Please do not use the Skate Park/Baseball parking lot for soccer activities.
At the Scugog Soccer Fields, please enter through the north gates off Old Simcoe Rd. Parking in the north lot (to the right) is for our younger age group U4- U8 fields, while parking in the south parking area is suitable parking for those attending U10 and Up games and practices and for use by visiting teams.
Please exit the parking area using the southernmost gate.
What equipment do we need?
Shin guards are mandatory at all ages (including goalkeepers). Proper soccer shoes are also recommended for players in divisions U6-U18.
The Club provides a team jersey, shorts and socks to every registered player. Players under 12 will receive a soccer ball sized to FIFA standards. You can purchase shin guards and soccer shoes (cleats) locally in Uxbridge and Port Perry at Canadian Tire and Walmart. Sports Chek is also an Ontario Soccer supplier.
What should we bring to the field?
Players are to wear the complete uniform each week and especially to both Festival weekends. Team uniforms will be distributed the week prior to season kick off. The schedule for this will be communicated in early May.
It is important to bring plenty of water regardless of the weather, in a reusable water bottle, labelled with the player's first name and last initial. Remember sunscreen and insect repellent too.
Timbits divisions (U4-U6) do not have a scheduled break time and snacks are discouraged due to the length of the sessions.
Please avoid items like freezies and other packaged snacks which do not conform to our Healthy Snack Policy and create litter at the fields that damages mowing equipment. The Snack Bar is open for post game team refreshments and celebrations.
Can I drop of my child at the field and pick them up when soccer is finished?
Please do not leave children alone at the fields. Players and parents should arrive at the fields 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of a game or practice so that you can safely travel from the parking lot to the assigned field. Please do not drop off children adjacent to the field area or stop vehicles in driveways.
Children should not be left unattended at the fields. Should you need to leave, please arrange with a fellow parent to be responsible for your child and inform your coach.
For older youth (teenagers over 15), it is still the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their youth is safely supervised. You must have arrangements in place in case of emergency - which includes being prepared for mid-session severe weather field closures. Do not assume that your team coach will take responsibility for your child. In the event that you do leave your youth under another person’s care, you must arrange for pick-up on time at their field. Please refer to the Club Policy on our website for further information and requirements.
What do we do if it is raining?
Soccer is played in the rain! Rare cancellations and lightning calls are made at the field by game officials and club staff. If in doubt, please proceed to your field or check our Twitter account and web site News section for updates. Weather cancellations are customarily made at game time, not before, by Referees or an official Club representative. Note that the cancellation of early evening games does not necessarily mean the cancellation of a later game on the field schedule. Weather conditions change and your team may still be playing if a weather system passes. Your team depends on having a full roster at each scheduled game, rain or shine! Please read the Severe Weather Policy on our website. Due to an already full schedule, cancelled recreational games will not be rescheduled.
What do we do if it is really hot?
The Soccer Club does not cancel soccer games due to extreme heat. History has shown us that most evenings, the soccer fields are some of the coolest areas in town. With appropriate precautions, we are able to have a great night at the fields. Parents can use their own judgement regarding attendance but soccer will be on. Please read the complete Extreme Heat Policy on our website.
What is the expectation of parents at the field?
Parents of U4 players are expected to participate with their child on the field when called upon by the program facilitators to join in.
Other parents are encouraged to respectfully watch games and practices from the appropriate sidelines. Spectators are requested to sit on the opposite side of the field from the team benches and coaches. This encourages youth to listen to coaches, watch their teammates, and become more of a team. No seating is permitted behind the nets or at the ends and corners of the field. Review the club's Codes of Conduct for more information.
While it is tempting to criticize the Match Official (referee) in any sport, we ask that you please keep comments about the match official or their calls to yourself. Just as your child is learning the nuances of the game, so too are our young match officials leaning how to be a good referee. Every year a number of youth are discouraged by sideline adult behaviours and leave our club even though they have great potential. Any commentary about Match Officials from the sidelines is unacceptable. Remember, every Match Official is someone's child too.
I’m not happy with the soccer program. Who do I talk to?
Start with your coach. If this does not resolve the issue, you can talk to Venue Managersr. Still need help – contact the club office or as a final avenue, the Club has a confidential mediator to address concerns. Email concerns to:
Due to the conditions under COVID-19, the following information on Club policies and protocols has been compiled for our Members:
Refund Assurance Statement
If a NDUFC program is cancelled before the start date due to COVID-19 restrictions, you will receive a full refund. If a NDUFC program is cancelled after the start date due to COVID-19 restrictions, you will then have the option to receive a partial credit or partial refund, as long as your account is in good standing with the Club.
Refund requests received after the start of a program are subject to a $25.00 withdrawal fee
Refund requests will not be considered once a program or session has reached 25% completion of the program’s official schedule
Special refund consideration will be made for medical reasons only and requests will be reviewed by the Club on a case-by-case basis on their own merit
Full Refund Policy is available HERE